Monday, February 2, 2009

February all ready?

Well, if we had a Punxsutawney Phil in Florida, he would have seen his shadow this morning and we would be in for another 6 weeks of this cold weather... I'm ready for continual mid 70's! I know I have nothing to complain about compared to the rest of the country, but I do not have enough warm clothes!

I helped Cathy at the Super Bowl Sale on Saturday. I think it was almost midnight by the time my feet, ankles and knees thawed out! Was such fun to shop for new stash and see all the other stitchers finding cool treasures. I'm sure the sale will keep 50-60 people out of the bars for a long time to come if they all stitch all they got! The best thing is Cathy will be able to bring back lots of new stuffs fo us to ooooohhhhhhhhhh and aaaahhhhhhhhhh over! Can't wait!

And... My dear Ruby said I owe her an appology for telling you all what a stupid thing she did. So I'm posting my public blog appology to dear Ruby. She said the very least I could of done was not to mention her name. She said I should have refered to her as "my friend who shall remain nameless". So, my friend who shall remain nameless, I'm sorry! My friend who shall remain nameless did get a new piece of lovely linen and is ready to start Forest of Trees again.

As promised, here a pictures! The first is my 5 peyote angel ornaments that I won at the EGA annual luncheon. I love these lovelies!

An individual shot

Progress photo on Family Reunion

I was having SSNES withdrawls. I think this is a Rosewood Manor year. Everyone in the family has a stitched stocking except for me. With any luck I will have this one this year!
Cranberry in Pines, started 2/1/2009.

That's it! Thanks for stopping by! Happy stitching! Stay safe!


Vonna Pfeiffer said...

I would say that Rosewood Manor year is appropriate :)
The angels are sweet!
Your stitching is lovely!

Ranae said...

The angels are beautiful.
FR is looking great

Carol R said...

Sweet little peyote angels! I missed the Superbowl Sale and Cathy said I could man the sidewalk stall too!
Family Reunion is looking great

I saw your QFRR on Deb's blog - I love the black on white!

Stitchingranny said...

what lovely little angels and good progress on the family tree

Deb said...

Your Rosewood Manor piece looks great, Martha! I'm looking forward to seeing the new stuff at Cathy's, too. :]