Saturday, July 28, 2007

Where did it come from?

"Gone stitchin' instead of just a wishin"?

My dad was a huge fan of Harold Ensley, The Sportsmans Friend. This started as a local hunting/fishing show in the 60's. Mr. Ensley had a theme song that went:

Gone fishin' instead of just a wishin'.....

I can still hear the music in my head. I lost my father when I was 10, but believe, to this day, he has never missed an episode of this program!

Several months ago at work, as I was leaving for the day, my boss asked if I was going to my "stitching group". "Yup", I replied, "gone stitchin' instead of just a wishin'"...... Now I hum the theme song as I settle into my stichin' spot, smile and think of Daddy and Harold Ensley in that red ford country squire sedan......
Here is a photo of my Dad, my little brother Duane, Dad's dog Suzie and yours truly.... (love the white socks with the black shoes!) circa 1967-68
I hope I'm the "Stitchers Friend"! xoxo Martha~~Marti~~Miokka~~Mom~~Gramma

Saturday, July 21, 2007

First Post

Well, I finally did it. After thinging and thinking and debating. Here it is, my official blog.
Now, what do I want to put out here for everyone to read? It will evolve as I get comfortable and encouraged, I'm sure.
It's rainy, stormy here, but more noise than rain. Kind of strange but kinda neat. The thunder had been echoing off the harbor since dawn. I'm ready for the sun to come out as the pool is calling my name.
I hope to figure all this out and get photos posted, lists made, goals set, progress reports updated on a semi regular basis.
Hang in there......