Last weekend I got to spend time with my brothers, sister-in-laws, sister, brother-in-law, nieces, great nieces, nephews and great nephews. It was good to see everyone and be back "home". My brother Duane & I went back to the neighborhood where we grew up. Wow, we could not get over how small the house and yard were! We drove by our elementary school which is now used a administrative offices. We also had lunch with my best friend and her parents. What a hoot! There were never two girls who played more Barbie than Annette & I. I think we wore some Barbie dolls out! It was fun to catch up with her an her family after 20+ years. She still looks and sounds and acts the same! It was fun to hear the stories that she remembered and I forgot and that her parents remembered and we both forgot! I still can not get over how small our old house is and also how small the yard is. The big tree is gone, but we used to play tag and red rover with the entire neighborhood. I know the street isn't any wider!
Other hilights from the weekend pictured above:
Courtney went to her home coming dance.
Duane really wants another bike. Really bad.
Food. Always good food.
The pumpkin weighed 72 pounds! Aiden only 20!
That's one big aloe vera plant and one yellow truck!
Yesterday Bruce had a meeting bright and early in Ft Myers, so I invited myself to Ruby's for coffee and visiting yesterday morning. Was so good to see her and Bill. We had a nice relaxing time, looking at all the stash we have, want to have and have to do!
Work, needless to say, is still a bear. I'm home after 8pm and back at it by 7:30 am. I have not stitched at all during the week and have had little energy to do much on the weekend. Sorry no stitchy pictures for your viewing enjoyment. Keep your fingers crossed I'm more productive on the stitching front soon!
Thanks for stopping by. Stay safe & happy stitching!