Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Dodged a bullet here in Charlotte County. Tropical Storm Fay made landfall near Marco Island around 5am this morning. We have had light rain off and on all night. The wind is just now starting to blow, more gusty than sustained winds. Guess it would still be considered a mostly normal day in Kansas {;^)...

Wonder what time my phone will ring with the boss asking what time I will be in the office today??

Thanks so much for all your well wishes!

Off to drink my coffee. Listen to the wind and the rain. Stitch on Multiplication tables. Watch Good Morning America.

Happy stitching.
Stay safe!


Bette said...

So glad all is well with you. My DH's family is in Ocala and hopefully all will be well with them.

Nicole said...

I'm so glad it missed you and my mom is very glad it missed her. She was freaking out a couple days ago! I'll have to email Deb to see how she's doing down there.

Jinger said...

So glad you dodged a bullet there. We were fortunate and dodged it here in Escambia County as well. Just some wind and rain, but nothing major.

I love your multiplication table and your America design.

Milly~ said...

praying for your continued safety

Carol R said...

Keep safe now that Gustav is around!

Tell us more about that souper douper lamp/magnifier that Deb mentions on her blog!